h.nazan ışık—
31 October 2014—
photos/fotoğraflar © h. nazan ışık
The American Turkish Society, Tina Kim Gallery, and Dirimart have partnered to present the first exhibition of Nuri Bilge Ceylan’s photography in the United States. Opened on October 30 at the Tina Kim Gallery and can be seen until December 13, 2014.

Nuri Bilge Ceylan is at “The World of My Father” exhibit in front of his father’s portreit at Tina Kim Gallery
foto © h. nazan ışık, All Rights Reserved
Nuri Bilge Ceylan in front of his father Mehmet Emin Ceylan’s portrait at “The World of My Father” exhibition, photographs by Nuri Bilge Ceylan at the Tina Kim Gallery.
The exhibition “The World of My Father/ Babamın Dünyası” brings Ceylan’s photographs of his father, Mehmet Emin Ceylan. He was in Nuri Bilge Ceylan’s first three movies, Cocoon/ Koza (1995), The Small Town / Kasaba (1997) and Clouds of May / Mayıs sıkıntısı (1999).
foto © h. nazan ışık, All Rights Reserved
Nuri Bilge Ceylan with “Filmmaker in Focus: Nuri Bilge Ceylan” series organizer Jytte Jensen, MoMA Film Curator, and actor Mehmet Eryılmaz (İklimler/Climates) at the gallery,
Nuri Bilge Ceylan is not only a well-known filmmaker who won numerous awards but also a great photographer, and it reflects in his films. He uses long takes and, every frame in his movies is like a photograph.
foto © h. nazan ışık
There were a lot of people at the opening to celebrate. Mr. Ceylan all the way on the right, in the background, talking with guests.
By the time I arrived at the Tina Kim Gallery it was packed. I tried to see photographs, appreciate them…but wasn’t easy, almost not possible. It was my first visit there and I couldn’t even tell how big the gallery was. I guess not a big one.
Every one was trying to be in a picture with Mr. Ceylan. He was kindly standing, smiling and letting selfies to be taking. It was a good event.
The exhibition was organized to coincide with the “Filmmaker in Focus: Nuri Bilge Ceylan” series at the Museum of Modern Art. (MoMA).
Don’t miss the show and the series which premieres Mr. Ceylan’s latest movie “Kış uykusu / Winter Sleep” in New York.
© h. nazan ışık