h. nazan ışık —
29 June 2020—
“This – do we know what this is? […]This is the mountain that New Yorkers climbed. You know, I keep showing the curve, this is the curve! ” NY Governor Cuomo said when he introduced a foam mountain at a press conference on 29 June, 2020.

Governor Cuomo’s big foam mountain to represent New York State’s battle with Covid-19 (photo: h. nazan ışık/NKENdiKEN)
Gov. Cuomo repeatedly reminded us that he saw New York State’s Covid-19 battle as climbing the mountain. At the top of the mountain, there was a sign marked “”42”
Gov. Cuomo explained the sign “42”, “We started on day one and the numbers kept going straight up for 42 days. […]We dealt with that spike and we climbed right up the mountain.
“We got smart. We wore masks, we socially distanced, we closed down and we stopped the curve. Then we plateaued on day 42, and reduce the infection rate, that decline went from day 42 to day 111.” Gov. Cuomo said, the mountain is factually proportionate.
“We don’t need to climb another mountain. One mountain was enough. We don’t want to climb a mountain range,” he said.
He was right. No one wants to climb another mountain, but I wonder if there is another invisible mountain of non-covid patients who couldn’t get in person doctor appointments!!!
And, do we really need that big prop, a foam mountain to understand Governor Cuomo’s “the curve” COVID-19 curve.?
© h. nazan ışık/NKENdiKEN