h. nazan ışık—
14 August 2020—
U.S. President Donald Trump is in New York on Friday to visit his younger brother at New York Presbyterian Hospital on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.

York Avenue, where the hospital located, is closed to traffic and police officers are everywhere. (Photo: h. nazan ışık / NKENdiKEN)
Press members are allowed to stay behind barricades across from the hospital. It is a waiting time now.

And some time later, one after another black cars arrive at the hospital, turn right and disappear. It is the motorcade of U.S President Donald Trump. (h. nazan ışık / NKENdiKEN)
Everybody is asking each other; “Have you recorded all the cars passing? Have you seen, noticed him?”
Another waiting time, not sure how long it will be. Everyone is busy talking to each other, or resting, or checking image Finally cars are coming back, only one car I see with a flag. Guessing, it could be the President’s car. (h. nazan ışık /NKENdiKEN)

Finally cars are coming back, only one car I see with a flag. Guessing, it could be the President’s car. (h. nazan ışık /NKENdiKEN)

Here they are. Black cars are leaving, going back to the direction they came from. And, NYPD vehicles are following or escorting them. (h. nazan ışık / NKENdiKEN)
That’s it! U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday has come to New York to visit his younger brother, Robert Trump, at New York-Presbyterian Hospital in Manhattan, and gone.
Photos: © h. nazan ışık /NKENdiKEN
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