h. nazan ışık—
20 September 2020—
Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBG) sadly died on Friday, 18 September 2020. And just 24 hours after her death, on Saturday, 19 September New Yorkers came together to honor Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
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New Yorkers gathered in Foley Square outside of the New York Civil Court House for a candlelight vigil to honor Justice Bader Ginsburg.
A lot of people came with candles, flowers, and pictures of Ruth Bader Ginsburg who served for 27 years on the Supreme Court from 1993 until her death in September 2020. She was for women’s rights and a powerful advocate for gender equality,
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A mourner lit a candle to add it to many more candles that were lit by people who came to honor RBG.
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A lady with her walker holding a candle, a child on her father’s shoulder carrying a candle, a young lady holding a candle and a sign with a picture of Ruth Bader Ginsburg reads “Not Fragile Like a Flower, Fragile Like a Bomb” were among mourners came to candlelight vigil to show their respect.
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Outside of the New York Civil Court House in Foley Square there was a canvas like long piece of paper or white fabric on Saturday night, when New Yorkers gathered to honor Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. People decorated it with ‘heart’s, ‘RBG signs’’ , ‘Portrait of RBG’, etc art works (I call them art works) to express their appreciation, respect, and gratitude.
Photos: © h. nazan ışık /NKENdiKEN
© h. nazan ışık