h. nazan ışık—
25 October 2020—
“Hong, hong, hong…” a continuous sound coming from the street caught my attention.
Went to my window. This is what I saw.

Not one, not two, not only three car…

What surprised me was no one really was paying attention.

I am not sure how to interpret this picture. Sometimes one image could be deceiving.
I don’t know if he was communicating with someone across the street, if he was waving his hand to Trump supporters or was that a salute!!!

A car with Flags of Israel and Trump flag was part of the rally too.

A woman supporter with her MAGA hat was smiling at anyone on the pavement.

The rally went on an hour. Not only one, two, three cars but maybe 100 cards.
I heard supporters were chanting “4 more years”.
All photographs © h. nazan ışık/NKENdiKEN
© h. nazan ışık