h. nazan ışık—
2 November 2020—
Today, 2 November 2020, one day before the Election Day. And most of the stores have been boarded again. Why? What do stores need to protect themselves from? Is an unknown hurricane coming? Or what?

Tiffany on 5th Avenue and 57th street (Photo: h. nazan ışık/ NKENdiKEN)

Apple store on 5th Avenue and 59th Street. Not boarded but fenced. ((Photo: h. nazan ışık/ NKENdiKEN)

Four Seasons Hotel on 57th Street ((Photo: h. nazan ışık/ NKENdiKEN)

A Trump impersonator passing boarded Omega store on 5th Avenue. ((Photo: h. nazan ışık/ NKENdiKEN)

Boarded Cartier and Versace stores on 5th Avenue. (Photo: h. nazan ışık/ NKENdiKEN)
This is the first time I have seen boarded stores before an Election Day.
Don’t know what to say. Is it scary or sad?
All photos © h. nazan ışık (NKENdiKEN)