h. nazan ışık—
3 November 2020—
Today is the 2020 Election Day. Millions had already cast their ballots in early voting. Today Polls will be open in New York until 21:00 for voters who preferred to vote in-person on Election Day. I have heard that at some poll places lines were long, and at some there were no lines. It was as easy as ‘in and out’!
It is about 18:00, too early to know the result.
I decided to see if there were any pro-Trump or anti-Trump demonstrators in front of Trump Tower on 5th Avenue.

© h. nazan ışık /NKENdiKEN
There were only few Trump supporters there. Two of them wearing MAGA hats, and one carrying a Trump flag. And one woman was in a pink dress. Pretty quiet it was,

It was pretty quiet until an anti-Trump demonstrator arrived. She undressed or changed her outfit.

The pro-Trump demonstrator in a pink outwear had a sign read “Woman for Trump”.
I asked: “ Are you representing all women? Do you believe all women are for Trump?”
She said: “I am actually a registered Democrat, but supporting Trump.”
“Why?” I asked.
“ Do you want to see my card?” she said.
“No, I don’t! But why are you supporting Trump? I asked again.
She didn’t answer.
And the anti-Trump demonstrator was wearing a Trump mask, and a sign on her outwear read “Fuck Trump”. She started dancing or moving and demonstrated great anger.

I guess her dance (!), her moves were the free movement of her self-expression about what she feels, thinks about Mr. Trump.

She was everywhere, continued dancing on the concrete barricade. At one point police officers came, helped her come down. (Photo; © h. nazan ışık/NKENdiKEN)
I asked police office: “ Why did you bring her down. Does she have not a right to express herself?
“Of course she does. We didn’t want her to fall and hurt herself!” police answered.

There was another demonstrator carrying a dummy showing a number of people who died of COVID-19 up to date. (Photo: © h. nazan ışık/ NKENdiKEN)
It was a very quiet evening with only five demonstrators. Reporters were waiting inside the ‘press pen’ across the street from Trump Tower for the news time to give some news. It was still too early to get the election result yet, and it was a very quiet, eventless evening for the news.
Photographs: © h. nazan ışık /NKENdiKEN
© h. nazan ışık