h. nazan ışık—
20 January 2021—
Joe Biden had defeated President Trump by 306 to 232 Electoral Collage votes. One needed 270 votes to win the presidency. And Joe Biden had become the 46th President-elect on 7 November 2020.

New Yorkers had celebrated the 7 November result at Times Square. (h. nazan ışık/NKENdiKEN)
Trump did not concede the defeat in the elections. He filed several unsuccessful lawsuits against election results and claimed that there were voter fraud and electoral malpractice.
At the end Electoral College votes confirmed that Joe Biden won.
On 6 January, a joint session of Congress got together to certify Joe Biden’s electoral-vote win. In the mean time President Trump, continued to falsely claim that the election was stolen from him. Thousands of Trump supporters gathered around the Capital and breached the Capital. It was believed that the conductor of this event was President Trump.
Hours after the Capital was cleared and safe, Congress reconvened to certify the electoral-vote result, and declared Biden the winner.

Joe Biden was sworn in on 20 January 2021 as the 46th President of the United State. (h. nazan ışık/NKENDIKEN)
Photos: © h. nazan ışık/NKENdiKEN