By h. nazan ışık—
7 June 2021—
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced that most of the remaining COVID-19 restrictions will be lifted once 70 percent of New Yorkers aged 18 or older have received the first dose of their COVID-19 vaccination series.
Cuomo said: “The light at the end of the tunnel is to remove the remaining COVID restrictions, right? Get to a point where COVID is not inhibiting our society, not inhibiting our growth. To do that we have to be at 70 percent. We’re at 68.6 almost there, but we want to be at 70 percent. 1.4 percent to go, and then we can lift the capacity restriction, social distancing, the hygiene protocols, the health screenings, the potential tracing — will become optional for retail, food services, offices, gyms and fitness centers, amusement and family entertainment, hair salons, barber shops and personal care services, among other commercial settings.”
But, masks will be recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for large venues, schools, public transportation, hospitals, nursing homes.
Cuomo continued: “So, how do you get the vaccinations up?”
And the vaccination rate has slowed dramatically, which is obvious. The higher you get, the fewer people there are to get vaccinated. And the lowest vaccination demographic is still the 12 to 17 because they just became eligible and we just spent a year telling them this is not really about you. It’s about older people. So we’re trying to get it up into 12 to 17 groups.”
“We have to hit 70 percent. When we hit 70, it’s going to be a day to celebrate, and the restrictions will come off.,” Cuomo said.
A reporter asked: “ Governor, I know you don’t have a crystal ball, you said that many times. But do you have any estimate of when we might be able to hit the 70%?
Then it became like a game show!
Governor Cuomo: I don’t have the answer, but I am willing to guess. Even more that I am willing to ask people to estimate.
And asked people who were with him on today’s panel: “Dr. Zucker, Robert Mujica what day do you think we will hit 70%?

(L to R) Melissa DeRosa, Secretary to the Governor; Governor Cuomo, Robert Mujica, Budget Director.

(L to R) Robert Mujica, Budget Director and Health Commissioner, Dr. Howard Zucker.
Dr. Zucker: “No one has a crystal ball on this. But we are driving very aggressively […] to get as many people vaccinated as possible […] We are very close to that number, so I don’t want to give a date..
Governor Cuomo, interrupted Dr. Zucker: “That is politician’s answer, you are a doctor. That is the answer I give. Give me a number, what is your guess, It is a guess.
Dr. Zucker: “First week of July.”
Robert Mujika: The end of next week.
Cuomo:” End of next week?
Mujika: June 17-18!
Cuomo: 13 days!
DeRosa: (my guess is) a week from today.
Cuomo: I am saying 8 days!
After answering other questions from reporters Governor Cuomo repeated the guessed numbers.
Mujika: Friday, June 18th. 13 days!
Cuomo, to Dr. Zucker: You said…
Dr. Zucker, wanted to change his date: I am too concern.
Governor Cuomo, interrupted Dr. Zucker: Yeah it is too late. You can’t change. What was your number, 3 weeks! Melissa said 7 days, Kelly said 10 days, and I said 8 days.
He got up to leave and turned to press members; “ Watch out those numbers” and left.
Who do you think will win, whose number will win? My guess is Governor Andrew Cuomo will win!
Photo : © h. nazan ışık