h. nazan ışık—
30 June 2021—
NYC Parks opened outdoor pools in all five boroughs on Saturday, 26 June, welcoming pool goers from across the city.
Don’t forget to bring your mask and remember social distancing.

John Jay pool at 77 Cherokee Pl at UES New York
If you forget your sunscreen don’t worry. NYC Parks installed sunscreen dispensers to provide free SPF 30 sun protection at outdoor pools.
And, Mayor Bill de Blasio with Commissioner Mitchell Silver, Parks Department, delivered remarks at the re-opening of Bushwick pool in Brooklyn on 26 June.
Mayor Bill de Blasio: “So, today’s a really wonderful day as we reopen the pools, bring back New York City. And I want to emphasize opening our pools is another step in our comeback, another step in a recovery for all of us.” He reminded that not a lot of people have a lot of advantages, pools like this matter. “We want to make sure everyone benefits from this recovery,” he said.
Commissioner Mitchell Silver, Parks Department (talked about the pool protocols) : All standard pool protocols will apply. So, (this season) for the pools, you must have a face covering as you enter the building, in the locker room, in a restroom, but when you’re on a pool deck and in the water, a face covering will not be required, but we’re still encouraging people to socially distance.
Pool open swim hours will remain the same as previous years: from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., and from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. seven days a week. Pool capacity will not be limited. But social distancing is still recommended, and face coverings will be required to enter the facility.
NYC Parks’ outdoor pools will stay open from 26 June through Sunday, September 12.
Photos © h. nazan ışık / NKENdiKEN