By h. nazan ışık—
18 January 2022—
Hundreds of people gathered today, Tuesday night at Times Square to honor Michele Go.

A local Asian group “Asians Fighting Injustice” scheduled a candlelight vigil at Times Square for Michele Go who was pushed by a homeless man in front of an approaching train and died on Saturday. Go was 40 years old and of Asian decent.

Guest speakers, especially politicians, talked about homelessness, and mental health problems.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams was one of the speakers to give remarks.

Michelle Go’s friends who came with flowers were there to honor her life.

Mayor: “Losing this wonderful young lady, the death of Michelle ripped my heart. To see what happened to her, to see what is happening In our city: elderly who are afraid to do their daily interactions […] I am re-committed to ensure that this will not happen in our city.” “It is time for us to come together!” The Mayor continued that services must be given to those who are dealing with mental issues.
Mayor:” Yes, we must deal with crime in real time.”

Attorney General James: “ WE have (some) people living on the street who are in danger to themselves and to others. […] We must focus our energy and ensure that the State and local governments provide resources to individuals who are struggling with mental illness. […] including housing, supporting housing for individuals struggling with mental illness and hospital beds, and treatment centers, and after care.
New York State dumped millions of individuals onto our streets. “
She concluded her statement with “ I pray for Michelle, but I also pray for our city, and our state that we all come together with real and concrete solutions for those who are living on our streets”

New York State Lieutenant Governor Brian Benjamin (h. nazan ışık /NENdiKEN)
“We can’t allow our train system to be our mental health system. We must have mental health services that are provided to those in need. We must stop the madness. We have to provide supportive services, hospital beds, mental health institutions for in help,” stated NYS Lieutenant Governor Brian Benjamin.
What he said was not very different that what the previous speakers said. All sound like promises. Remains to be seen!
Photographs: © h. nazan ışık / NKENdiKEN