By h. nazan ışık—
13 March 2022—
The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York, is temporarily closed, because a former member who was denied entry to a film shown that day, stabbed two employees at MoMA on Saturday, 12 March.

Temporarily closed sign in front of the MoMA.
John Miller, NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Intelligence & Counterterrorism “Approximately at 4:15 this afternoon, an individual entered the museum [..] His entrance was denied because his membership card was expired (revoked) as a result of two incidents of disorderly conduct here at the museum on two separate dates on resents days….the individual involved in this incident is known by us” said at a press conference on 12 March.

A guard closing the curtain.
He explained that the individual became upset, about not being allowed entrance, and then jumped over the reception desk (film desk) and stabbed two employees of the museum multiple times.
“We were told that those employees who were rushed to Bellevue Hospital will be OK” Miller said.

A visitor, came to the MoMA on Sunday, 13 March, was trying to figure out why the museum was closed by reading the news.
Photographs © h. nazan ışık
© h. nazan ışık / NKENdiKEN