By h. nazan ışık—
30 March 2022—
New Yorkers, from Buffalo to New York City, got together in Albany on Tuesday, 29 March, at “HJ4A Albany Day of Action” event to send messages to Governor Kathy Hochul, and demands for changing housing policy.
HJ4A (Housing Justice for All), according to their website, “is a statewide movement of tenants and homeless New Yorkers united in our fight for Housing as a Human Rights”.
Organizers and activists came with very clear three main demands by saying:
If Governor Hochul cares about public safety, she needs to:
1— Pass strong eviction protections, like Good Cause Eviction (that stops unjust evictions, offers protections to renters by limiting landlords’ abilities to raise rent and evict tenants without “good cause.”)
2— Eliminate 421-a, and it’s rebrand,”485-w” (a property tax exemption: offers tax cuts to real-estate developers for building new multi-family residential housing buildings with affordable housing in New York City.)
3— Fully fund rental assistance, like the Housing Access Voucher Program (HAVP) (a proposed new rent subsidy to help homeless New Yorkers secure permanent housing), and emergency rental assistance program (ERAP).
Overall message : HOMES NOT JAILS!
I counted four buses at the arrival location that brought activists to the New York State Capitol.

Attendees lined up in a huge queue for going through security.
First they had to show proof of vaccination, and a picture ID, and get ready to take off belt, coat, scarf, hat, remove any metal materials, like keys, cell phone, coins etc from their pockets and walk-through metal detector to be screened. It reminded me of international airports security checkpoins, without removing shoes.

I don’t remember seeing any K-9 units before or around the security checkpoint.
After that everything moved so fast. Activists came to the capitol’s famous 120 feet tall, 444 steps, at a cost of 1.5 million dollars, the Million Dollar Staircase for a press conference to be heard on some topics. Since Governor Hochul has so much on her plate, like 1 April state budget deadline, a new Buffalo Bills Stadium negotiation, which would require a $850 million infusion from New York taxpayers, bail reform, wage increases for home care workers, homeless problems, child care, gun violence and the opioid crisis, affordable housing etc…so much to talk about. But, this press conference was especially on the lack of housing issues in the Governor Hochul’s proposed budget.

One called: “92,000 people have no place to call home! “What do we want?”
Everybody answered: “Housing Justice!”
Call: “When do we want it?”
Everybody: “Now!”
Altogether: “Homes not jails!” / “HOMES NOT JAILS!” / “HOMES NOT JAILS!”
It got louder and louder, but sounded as if only one person was chanting with a very powerful, loud but clear, strong voice. It echoed at the Million Dollar Stairs.

EVERYBODY: “Hochul, Benjamin can’t you see
What your budget can do to me?
Look us up, keep us down,
Ain’t no justice in this town?” they sang.
Meantime,1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East members demonstrated, asking for increased pay for home care workers.

Activists and some 1199SEIU members marched to the capitol’s War Room on the second floor.

CALL: Show me what democracy looks like!
EVERYBODY: This is what democracy looks like!
CALL: Show me what America looks like!
EVERYBODY: This is what America looks like!
They repeated several times.
And, set up small tents to block the hallway.

A sit-in protest in front of the Governor’s office door blocking it.

CALL: “If we don’t get it…”
Everybody: “Shut it down”
They started banging the Governor’s office door.

Chanting / singing continued:
“You think this is a game,
You think this is a joke,
We vote you in,
We vote you out”
Police officers inside Governor’s office were watching activists,

Police officers inside the Governor’s office, and police officers, outside the Governor’s office, in the hallway
No arrest!! Police said: It is a peaceful protest!

Hey Hey , Ho Ho
Kathy Hochul Got to go!”
“Hey Hey , Ho Ho
Kathy Hochul Got to go!”
While chanting, activists left all tents in the hallway. And moved to block the main stairways and escalators on the first floor.

It was a small group of activists left chanting, singing since the buses were scheduled to leave soon.
There were some police officers standing around.

And downstairs, escalators were locked, there were more capitol police officers waiting too.
Later we were told that about 10 activists were arrested.
Friday, 1 April is the annual state budget deadline. The budget process -negotiation and approval -should be completed by 1 April. Well, it remains to be seen.
All Photos: © h. nazan ışık Unless otherwise credited.