By h. nazan ışık—
18 April 2022—
Governor Kathy Hochul, Mayor Eric Adams joined Hudson River Park Trust President & CEO Noreen Doyle, RXR CEO Scott Rechler, and Google CFO Ruth Porat on 18 April, to announce the opening of New York City’s newest and largest rooftop park, Pier 57, which has been restored by RXR Realty, and featuring Google as the main tenant.

Governor Kathy Hochul came to the stage with a big smile.

“Welcome to the NEW New York!
“This is extraordinary to witness the results of true visionaries. People had a belief that this could no longer be an abandoned peer mocking future generations of a better past. Now we can say that our future is much brighter because of people who never gave up on this city,” said Governor Hochul, thanking everyone who involved in revitalizing the pier, “Thank you for believing in our city and its potential to be even better.”Hochul said.
Ans she continued: “I’m here to announce that we’ve now entered the innovation age. We innovate not just jobs and businesses, we innovate spaces….. So, every place has the opportunity to be reborn to something magnificent and part of our future.”
Mayor Eric Adams: also thanked Google and added “ You don’t need a search engine to know we are the economic engine right here in this entire city……Something special about New York. There is something about strong. I know what we can do and what we are capable of our resiliency,” reminding the 9/11 and Covid-19 Pandemic.

“The country is watching us the way goes New York goes to America, the way goes America goes to globe. Thank you again. And when the history looks back and search greatness, Google is going to come up.” he added.

The ribbon cutting ended the Pier 57 Rooftop Park announcing ceremony.
Pier 57 Rooftop Park is located on West 15th Street and the 11th Avenue (West Side Highway), that offers a great view of Little Island and Hudson River.

Pier 57 Rooftop Park is open to the general public daily all year from 7am to 10pm and free to enter.
Photos: © h. nazan ışık