By h. nazan ışık—
1 June 2022—
Governor Kathy Hochul, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Executive Director Rick Cotton and Delta Air Lines CEO Ed Bastian on Wednesday announced the opening of Delta’s new Terminal C at LaGuardia Airport.

Governor Kathy Hochul thanked everyone who were involved with the Delta’s new Terminal C project; the leader of the Port Authority Executive Director Rick Cotton, and all the commissioners of the Port Authority, and she added: “….my predecessor in the past administration Governor Cuomo who is the genesis of this working hard as well I want to give recognition where it is due, and also the leader of Delta Airlines Ed Bastian.”
It was good that Gov. Hochul mentioned former Governor Cuomo…since the project had started years earlier with Gov Cuomo before she became the governor.
She also thanked Iron-workers, and all the other workers “These are the people who showed up during a pandemic and built these masterpiece” she added.

“Today we celebrate basically the completion of the airport. This has been a six-year $8 Billion project, (with) art works, bars, restaurants, and 9000 construction jobs that 60% of people hired for terminal C from Queens” Hochul said.
“I am so proud of to be the Governor of a state where we dream big, and also achieve big!” she concluded her remarks and invited Ed Bastian.

Delta Air Lines CEO Ed Bastian
Ed Bastian came to the podium: “ I remember five years ago when with Cuomo and Rick (the Port Authority Executive Director Rick Cotton) we signed the investment and made the decision to build this. At that time this was the single biggest investment Delta has ever made in its history in anything. A $4 Billion investment.
I know we have been doing a lot of work at JFK also, so when you put JFK and LaGuardia together that is one six Billion dollars of investment that Delta has made in this town, There is no market in the world we have invested at that level” said Bastian.
Bastian continued: “We had 6 gates at LaGuardia, we now have 37 gates. We thanks Rick Cotton, design team and 10,000 women and men of Delta Airline. This is a homecoming for you as well”
Now it was time to cut a ribbon!

The Port Authority Executive Director Rick Cotton (left), Gov, Hochul and Ed Bastian (right) Hand shaking time.

LaGuardia Airport unfortunately operates only domestic flights.
Photos copyrighted © h. nazan ışık