By h. nazan ışık—
10 September 2022—
NYC 2022 Labor Day Parade took place on Saturday, 10 September. Started from 44th Street and 5th Ave.
Before politicians there were NYPD Mounted Police officers and, as always, sanitation workers behind them, in case if the nature calls!

Labor Day Parade brought a lot of politicians together.

Governor Kathy Hochul and Senator Chuck Schumer were enjoying the moment.

Governor Hochul and State Attorney General Letitia (Tish) James waiting for the parade to start.

All ready to march.

Mayor Eric Adams marched a little bit behind the other politicians.

They stopped at St. Patrick’s Cathedral to shake hands with Cardinal Dolan, and posed for the press members and continued marching.
And the parade continued with union members.

This one was very moving especially one day before 9/11 with 4 towers that representing 4 World Trade Center Towers, with a message “343” the number of first responder firefighters who died, and “We Will Never Forget”

When we watched a movie or television or see a play do we ever think how many unions are there to represent workers, actors?
This was the IATSE Local 52 Motion Picture Studio Mechanics float with “The Union Behind Entertainment” sign.
And many more different union floats followed them:
Local 600 International Cinematographers Guild
Actors’s Equity Association
MPEG Motion Picture Editor’s Guild
AGMA American Guild of Musical Artists
Local 764 IATSE Theatrical Wardrobe Union
SAG -AFTRA (Screen Actors Guild —American Federation of Television and Radio Artists

Labor Day Parade brought a lot of politicians together but not many spectators. In this picture as we see there were few people watching the parade as members of the SAG-AFTRA marching.

Almost in every parade we see a big flag carried by marchers.

Today it was the Ironworkers Union.

A father was marching with his 2 children. One child was carrying a sign “Protect Our Freedom” and at the bottom it had AFL-CIO (The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial organizations) According to their website work to improve the lives of working people .

Here were the Electrical Workers attended the parade on their motorcycles.

They were crowded and loud.

“Prime Pay” and “Protect Nurses from Mandatory Overtime” were some of the demands that 1199 SEIU (United Healthcare Workers’ East) were asking for. They also protested in Albany on 30 March 2022 asking for “Fair Pay”

One person with a flag in his hand was recording the parade.
There were some “Anti-vaccine” supporters in the parade too.
Saying ” Workers Are Essential. Mandates Are Not”
“ This teacher Says No”

And more:
“Let Us Work,
Give a voice to the vaccine injured,
Stop Mandates,
Give us back our jobs”

And after the parade, a person on Madison Avenue still had his flags flying.
Photos copyrighted © h. nazan ışık / NKENdiKEN